Registration FAQs
- Final registration deadline is 2 weeks before the start of camp
- Payment can be made by e-transfer to or by cheque made out to: Pinecrest Baptist Bible Camp and sent to the following address:Pinecrest Baptist Bible Camp
PO Box 23062
Medicine Hat Mall
Medicine Hat, AB T1B 4C7 - If a camper is unable to attend, the entire registration fee will be refunded.
- If a family cannot afford to send their children to camp, please contact us about some of the sponsorship opportunities available.
- All activities at a certain camp are included in the registration fee.

A Typical Camp Day
A typical camp day begins with a wake up call from the counselor. After a few minutes to get ready for the day, a nutritious breakfast is served by our excellent volunteer cooks. Following breakfast, the director announces daily activities and chores for the camper work groups to do. These include washing dishes, sweeping the chapel, cleaning up the camp grounds, and cleaning the washrooms.
After chores, the campers gather in the chapel to sing worship to God, hear the Word of God, listen to some great stories from the speaker and have the opportunity to respond. During chapel time, someone checks the cabins and ranks them for cleanliness, order and creativity. At the end of the week, prizes are given out to whichever cabin did best throughout the week!

A skill follows chapel, which can be any number of the offerings either on camp grounds or found within the park. After the skill, it is lunch time! Another nutritious meal is served and there is nothing better to do after lunch than have a rest time to have some time alone with God. Another skill usually follows rest time, as well as a visit to the canteen for a snack. A third skill or perhaps a campwide activity like a visit to the pool or lake is usually next.
Supper is served in the mess hall, and then another camp wide activity occurs. This is the time when we play camp games –either on the grounds or someplace in the nearby forest. A snack is served, and then a fireside time with more worship happens. We hear from our speaker once again as darkness falls over the camp and then it is time to get ready for bed and lights out.
This is the typical camp day, but some days will be very different depending on the activities planned.
Camping Reminders
Please make sure that everything is clearly marked with the camper’s name.
- Bible, Notebook, Pens
- Sleeping Bag or Blankets & Sheets
- Pillow
- Personal Grooming Needs
- Towels, Soap, etc.
- Hat & Sunscreen
- Water Bottle (Labeled with childs name)
- Warm Modest Clothing
- Rain Gear (including boots)
- Modest Swimwear
- Comfortable Shoes for Walking
- Flashlight
- Bug Repellent
- Gum, Sunflower Seeds & Junk Food
- Phones/Game Systems
- Items with innapropriate slogans/sayings
- Knives
- Matches/Lighters
- Vapes/Smoking devices